Key Notes
Self-acceptance. Having the same love and empathy for self as you do for others.
Understanding what is important in life.
The power of love and the Light providing limitless creative powers.
Idealism based on high values in life.
Able to make change gently and in a loving way.
Success comes as a reward for good work over a long period of time.
Raising consciousness improves self on many levels of the being.
Colour Meanings
Pink The colour of love and compassion. Open to receive love. Caring for self and others. True expression of self. Raising self-worth, self-love. Openness, tenderness. To dispel negativity.
Clear (Silver) Inner link with the Divine Feminine. Awareness of your Divine purpose. All is achieved as in Divine Plan. Freedom of Spirit. Bringing Light into a situation. Clear perception. Purification, cleansing.
Chakra Consciousness
Stellar Gateway Chakra 9 - Pink: Stellar Gateway Chakra Consciousness
Fulfilling one’s sacred mission.
Integration of heaven on earth.
Soul and Spirit connection.
Realising perfection within limitations.
Unconditioned and unconditional Universal Love.
Divine Gateway Chakra 12 - Silver: Divine Gateway Consciousness
Ultimate connection with the Creator, the Life Force, the God self
the Infinite, the Unknowable, One’s Divine Essence
the Source of all Life, The Truth of one’s Being, The Gift of all aspects of the Infinite
Innermost feminine/receptive/Yin principles link with the Creator.
Suggested Application : 2x daily
Unicorn Essences are massaged on to the body, working on cellular memory. Apply around heart area. Circle body to include the spine.
Shake the bottle vigorously until an emulsion is formed. Apply to the body in the chakra location as instructed by your Therapist or where you intuitively feel your body can most benefit. Or sprinkle a few drops in the bath and soak for 20 minutes.
N. B. During your use of the bottle, the colour or clarity of the oils often changes. This can indicate detoxification. As you improve in health, the oils will clear again.