About me

Charlene Kay Sinclair-Morgan

How did the Journey Begin…

Hi, I’m Charlene and this is Merlin at the beginning of our Equine Empowerment Journey…

Kinesiology Practitioner/Teacher, Energy Healer, and Accountant – so how did Equine Empowerment evolve?

Horses and Healing have both played very big pivotal roles on my life – from the choices I have made and the developmental pathways I have taken.

As a child, growing up on a farm in Motueka, I took up riding the working Clydesdale at the age of 10 and scored my first pony soon after – this was Raro. Raro gave me great strength and soul support during my teenage years – his mane was always there to wipe away the tears. He also taught me how to ride – it was his way or the highway!

One of the big questions I began to ask myself, was – “There has to be a better way to physical and emotional health”? With this question loaded into my consciousness, I began to explore the options available – from experiencing Iridology through a local naturopath, to meeting a good friend who introduced me to Kinesiology.

In 1988 we moved to the big city of Christchurch, which allowed my experimental self, to begin to explore, other healing possibilities.

Through a privately run spiritual library I meet many people from various healing backgrounds – and so the learning journey began. First up was crystal healing and learning to use a pendulum – soon to be followed by a spiritual healing workshop and then the Chiron Healing modality.

Spiritual healing opened be up to feeling the very high vibrational healing energies, but at the same time made me very sensitive to my environment. It was at this stage spirit answered my question of “Why do I feel like this” …
I was at the spiritual library with my pendulum, looking for the appropriate book to read – I found the shelf and walked along it with my hand up and to my surprise a book flew into my hand. It was Vicky Wall’s life story – The Miracle of Colour Healing. In this book I found the answer as to why I was feeling like I was, and it was the colour red that put me back together again.

Within weeks of reading this book, and finding out about colour therapy – for the very first time in my life (I can be a bit of a slow learner at times especially where a big life lesson is involved, it is like I have to go down the whole road of discovery to cement the information into every cell of my body) – I met Catherine North from the Academy of Healing Arts.

Catherine had recently created a healing modality which combined Colour Therapy, Chiron Healing, Crystal Healing and Kinesiology – called Soul Power Kinesiology, and here I was picking her up from the airport and driving her to Dunedin to teach a six-day, Soul Power Kinesiology class. This was certainly a turning point in my life, it was the beginning of my Colour Therapy, Kinesiology and Spiritual Healing Journey…

Then on the 22nd February 2011 at 12.51pm, Christchurch experienced a massive earthquake, with one of the main fault-lines literally below our house. On this day I experienced a 2 g-force direct vertical lift, where boulders the size of cars were catapulted up hill to a new resting spot. Spirit had been speaking to me all morning, giving me instructions so I knew that something was up, but again I was a bit slow on the uptake – fortunately I did listen to some of the instructions and I was in a safe place at the exact moment when many of our lives changed forever…

After this experience it was time to evaluate my lifepath and to fill in the gaps.

“WHEN you discover something that nourishes your Soul, and you Care enough about yourself, to make room for it in YOUR LIFE.” HorseHippie.com

It was at this point I realized I needed a horse in my life again, and the horse that chose me was Merlin – only he could escape from Erewhon Station disguised as a wee filly.

After 23 years, on a journey of discovery, the combined forces of Horses, Humans and Healing had begun – Equine Empowerment was born.

Charlene with Merlin the horse


Bringing Balance to Your Life

  • Touch for Health Kinesiology
  • Soul Power Kinesiology
  • Neural Organisation Technique (NOT)
  • Unicorn Essence Colour Healing
  • Crystal Healing
  • Sacred Geometry – Dodecadiamond Structure
  • Chiron Healing
  • Horse and Rider / Owner / Family Integrated Healings and Retreats


  • Touch for Health Kinesiology
  • Soul Power Kinesiology
  • Colour for Life – Colour Therapy


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