Key Notes
Energy to discover new things about oneself.
Energy and enthusiasm for expansive activities.
Gaining self-realization and self-knowledge.
Release from old habits and old ways of doing things.
Successful planning.
Love and compassion for humanity.
Finding your inner strength.
Colour Meanings
Red Colour for life energy, circulation. Stimulates strength, vitality, libido. Stimulates passion in life. Success with material things. For grounding, earthing. For survival issues. To clear toxicity.
Gold Inner link with the Divine Masculine. Awareness of Divine in self /all. Links to dynamic forces of nature. Ability to achieve life purpose. To move out of lethargic states. Feeling safe. Connected to Spiritual Power.
Chakra Consciousness
Base Chakra 1 - Red: Base Chakra Consciousness
Honour our families and all human communities.
Having one’s feet firmly on the ground.
Bringing visions down to earth, into structure and form.
Feeling secure, trusting the abundance of nature to supply our needs.
Taking a pride in our bodies, keeping them strong and healthy.
Cosmic Gateway Chakra 11 - Gold: Cosmic Gateway Consciousness
Integration of the limited and unlimited, spiritual and physical, consciousness and experience, immortality and self.
Experiencing total acceptance, allowing, enjoyment, complete gratitude.
Innermost masculine/ active/Yang principles link with the Creator.
Suggested Application : 2x daily
Unicorn Essences are massaged on to the body, working on cellular memory. Apply – solar plexus , or lower part of body - follow your intuition.
Shake the bottle vigorously until an emulsion is formed. Apply to the body in the chakra location as instructed by your Therapist or where you intuitively feel your body can most benefit. Or sprinkle a few drops in the bath and soak for 20 minutes.
N. B. During your use of the bottle, the colour or clarity of the oils often changes. This can indicate detoxification. As you improve in health, the oils will clear again.