Key Notes Archangel Michael
Let go of the fear. Trust the Higher Will. Cutting away all that is no longer needed.
We have the truth within, accessed with peacefulness.
Self realisation.
Overcoming uncertainty, worry, confusion to find inner peace.
Insight into the law of consequence.
How we handle situations creates a response, now or in the future.
Releasing the negative, to be free to become who we truly are.
A new understanding of the spiritual for this New Age.
Colour Meanings
Yellow Colour for digestion and nerves. Assimilating food, knowledge, ideas. Mental and emotional control. Clear thinking. For anxiety, fear, nervousness. Self confidence, courage. Brings joy, humour, optimism.
Blue Colour for the throat. Self expression and communication. Brings peace and serenity. For depression. When feeling isolated, lonely. Helps bring sleep. Brings trust and faith.
Chakra Consciousness
Solar Plexus Chakra 3 - Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra Consciousness
Will power, the power to take charge of yourself and your world.
Asserting yourself with confidence and authority.
Self esteem and self respect. Believing in yourself.
Assimilation - food, ideas, learning, prana
Storing and distribution of energy and life force.
Throat Chakra 5 - Blue: Throat Chakra Consciousness
Aligning our will to our specific purpose and Divine plan.
Honesty and integrity. Ridding ourselves of all distortions.
Communication in all its forms. Expression and creativity.
Being understanding with others, able to share experiences.
Being able to express all emotions.
Suggested Application : 2x daily
Unicorn Essences are massaged on to the body, working on cellular memory. Apply around Solar Plexus, below ribs or heart, mid chest area.
Shake the bottle vigorously until an emulsion is formed. Apply to the body in the chakra location as instructed by your Therapist or where you intuitively feel your body can most benefit. Or sprinkle a few drops in the bath and soak for 20 minutes.
N. B. During your use of the bottle, the colour or clarity of the oils often changes. This can indicate detoxification. As you improve in health, the oils will clear again.